18 December 2024 •  Report #Education

‘The Dream‘ Annual Day 2024-25


The Annual day celebration of our Higher Secondary was held on the 18th of December 2024. The event began at 6.00 pm with the guard of honour escorting the dignitaries to the venue. The Dignitaries were the past principals of our higher secondary. The compere announced the commencement of the program and simultaneously introduced the dignitaries as they were led to their seats.

The report, of the activities of the academic year, was put forth very eloquently by our students. Academic and other awards were distributed to deserving students at the hands of our chief guests.

Our staff member Tr. Grade I, Mrs. Lata Vernekar was felicitated as she attained her superannuation and was retiring from her service of almost 3 decades at our institution. Tr. Reshma Mapari prepared and read out the citation. Fr. Tamatur Cardozo, Principal and Rector felicitated Tr. Lata with a shawl. Fr. Loddy Pires presently holding charge as Shrine Director handed over the citation to our retiree.

The program arranged for the day followed. The theme for the annual day program was “THE DREAM”. The students presented a beautiful rendition of the dream of Don Bosco. The dream of little John Bosco, at the age of 9, had a very profound impact on his life. In his dream he saw a violent unruly mob and he was instrumental in pacifying and calming them down, not with violence but with kindness, a gentle hand and patience. This was the gist of the story.

The enactment lasted for almost 2 hours and kept the audience transfixed to the end. The day culminated with the curtain call all the student participants and volunteers were called onto the stage for the final cheer along with the staff members and the principal who was the backbone of the entire event. The PTA members were also acknowledged for their enthusiasm in assisting in the program. The teachers, students, parents and most of all the MTS of our institution who worked long hours and tirelessly to create the ambience for the day.


Ms. Josefa Pinto


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