23 October 2023 •  #

Workshop for Teachers- ‘Teaching is not a service, profession or a job, it is a pillar of society’.


Workshop for Teachers- ‘Teaching is not a service, profession or a job, it is a pillar of society’.

-Jenifer L. Godinho

On the 17th of October 2023, a workshop was conducted for the teaching fraternity of the Don Bosco Higher, Secondary school, Panjim, coordinated by, Tr. Jenifer L. Godinho. The Resource person Dr. Elvis Gonsalves (Phd, MA, Economics, NET) the Principal of St. Andrews’s Higher Secondary School, Vasco, delivered a session on the topic ‘Teaching is not a service, profession or a job, it is a pillar of society’.

The objective of the workshop was to refresh, retrain and reinforce the core values underlying the teaching profession. The idea was to get the teachers to look at the profession, not only as a gainful employment, but as a noble profession. The workshop emphasized that the teachers, are the managers of the world’s greatest resource,the students,and Only those who have the gift of commitment and dedication can be good teachers, as they play an important role in shaping the careers and aspirations of the students by drawing out, believing in them and guiding them to bloom to their fullest potential.
Dr. Elvis stipulated that, there is a role model teacher who has inspired each one of us, as a mentor, and a true mentor is ambitious, cheerful, dependable, enthusiastic and adept. “Be an eternal optimist, he exhorted that simplicity, generosity and humility is the hallmark of a good teacher”

The workshop reiterated the importance of collaborative approach to teaching and the importance of sharing knowledge. He used a very good analogy of the farmer who grew the most excellent wheat year after year and won the award for the best wheat in his country. On being asked, what was his key to success?, he replied saying that, every year, he shared the best seed with his neighbors, who planted these seeds as well. On being questioned why? He replied that cross pollination by the wind would degrade every one’s wheat including his. The learning from this to the teachers is, that ‘The value of sharing is the key to self-development and a successful career’. If you want to live a meaningful and a happy life, help others find happiness.

The main takeaway from the workshop, The value of your life is measured by the lives you touch, with love, kindness respect and hope
The programme was compered by Tr. Kimberly Soares and Tr. Standy Braganza proposed the vote of thanks.


Ms. Jenifer Godinho


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