03 August 2023 •  Report #

“Nurturing Salesian Culture”


BOSCO CULTURE CLUB, Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Panjim holds talk on “Nurturing Salesian Culture”
Ms. Shanthi D’Souza
The Bosco Culture Club of Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Panjim held a presentation on the topic “Nurturing Salesian Culture” for the staff of Don Bosco Higher Secondary School on August 3, 2023. The main objective of the session was to sensitise the staff members to the Salesian culture.

Ms. Shanthi D’Souza, the teacher in charge of the club delivered the session. She highlighted significant values ingrained in the Salesian system of education and called for vital engagement and passionate commitment on the part of educators present.

While elaborating on the values like Love for God, Family Spirit, Work with Cheerful heart, Be creative, Be an example, Be Trend Setters and Personal Growth, Ms. Shanthi by way of giving examples of everyday situations, appealed the staff members to imbibe the culture of Don Bosco in its letter and spirit in our life and be integrated persons. She also said by doing so we would be in an advantageous position to inculcate the same in the students.


Ms. Shanthi D'souza


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